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Who I am - I'm an author of young adult novels for all generations.

Stories - what would the world be without the wonderful world of books?

To escape from everyday life every now and then and to dive into the world of fictional characters.

I already loved that in kindergarten. Although even then I was not satisfied with the published fairy tales. So my mother had to rewrite every story with me and then tell the new version over and over again.

However, I have never lost my love for creating new tales.

Although now it is no longer witches and fairies or ponies that buzz around in my head.

The main characters of my stories are now ordinary teenagers who have to deal with the problems they face in everyday life and growing up.

Hello, my name is Marion.

I am a passionate author of young adult novels.

I live together with my husband and our two dogs in a cozy little house in Austria. Since the beginning of the Corona pandemic we have another roommate, namely my mom. It was not so easy for her to get used to the vegetarian diet of my husband and me, but in the meantime she has come to terms with it quite well.

I firmly believe in true love or as Dominic would say, in having a BOOM mensch. And I am sure that you can meet this person already at a young age. - Just like I have experienced it myself.

Also, I am a big supporter of love for all and the 'Love is Love' movement. That's why I'm a strong advocate for the LGTBIQ scene.

As you might have guessed by now, I am hopelessly romantic and love HEA (happily ever after). This is also reflected in my stories.

My motto is: You can't avoid getting older, but you can avoid growing up - and that's how I live my life.

And of course: If you can't love yourself - how in the hell you gonna love somebody else? (RuPaul)